periods of an investigation can or will lead up to discoveries.
Researching = trying to or finding out/discovering new facts and reaching new conclusions
A primary source is to describe source materials that are closest to the person, information, time period , history, or idea being researched.
In history a primary source would be the original source is an artifact, a document, a recording, or
other source of information that was created at the time so like this picture is a primary source because it is an original form and straight of the place of study.
This wall painting found in the Roman city of Pompeii is an example of a primary source about people in Pompeii in Roman times. |
secondary source is a source that is used or seen before and is brought forth to a website so for example the picture above is a secondary source since i am using it from another website or another source and so it is secondary but if you were to see this originally where it came from then it is a primary source but currently it is a secondary source.
Quantitative is where numbers are used so like in statistics and in other things like data so basically quantitative data has numbers involved in it and calculations although there can be writing involved but the most important part of the information in the information/data given is involved with the numerical for example the most valuable information in an quantitative data like a statistics is the numbers this is where it is a quantitavtive data and not a qualittative data ( see below).this is a method of reasearch as well this means/refers to reaserach in numerical terms.
qualittative data is exactly the same as above data but lots of detailed writing replaces the numbers this could be a review of a flim where there is far more writing invlolved in it then numbers in like stattistics and other quantatative datas. this is a method of reasearch as well this means/refers to reaserach in detail
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